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Props and Attributes

Properties and attributes are the basic building blocks of a Leaf component. This article will explain how these things are different from a regular element.

Properties vs. Attributes

In frameworks like React and Vue, you may have seen a concept called "properties", or "props" for short. But in Leaf, there's another concept similar to it: attributes.

Attributes are the key-value pairs you pass into an element, for example:

<my-awesome-component title="My Awesome Title" description="Lorem ipsum dor sit."></my-awesome-component>

In this example, we have two attributes on element my-awesome-component: title and description. These attributes are defined in HTML templates or Leaf component JSX markup, and contains only string values.

Properties, on the other hand, are set programmatically using JavaScript. In the following example, myAwesomeComponent points to a DOM element <my-awesome-component />.

myAwesomeComponent.props.title = 'My Awesome Title';
myAwesomeComponent.props.description = 'Lorem ipsum dor sit.';

We set the title and description fields again, but this time for properties. In properties, everything is valid as long as it is JavaScript - including object references!

So, which one should I use? Actually, they both have pros and cons.

Pros of using attributes:

  • Easily set values declartively through markups
  • Easier value handling through getAttribute on the component side

Cons of using attributes:

  • Everything have to be string, which leads to having formatting objects and arrays to string and reparse it again in components
  • No object references, everything is a deep copy of the original object
  • Very likely to cause a misusage of boolean values when using the component

Pros of using properties:

  • As long as the JS syntax is valid, the value is valid
  • Handle boolean values using JavaScript true / false
  • Object references
  • No need of reparsing strings to objects, which improves performance in complex usage conditions.

Cons of using properties:

  • Users have to programmatically set the prop value using JavaScript
  • Ugly getter/setter handling when the code base is large

Of course, this list is incomplete: it only shows the basic parts of using one of the solutions.

Enhanced property handling

To solve these issues, Leaf removes the concept of attributes - sort of.

In Leaf JSX markup, each attribute will have its corresponding property accessible through this.props. Upon usage, users only need to pass in attributes or JSX expressions and Leaf will automatically set the corresponding property value.

This solution keeps attributes and properties always in-sync, and developers will only have to worry about properties. When any of the attributes change, Leaf will rerender the component and update the DOM.

To use properties in your component, simply declare the used properties in watchedProps of your component:

class MyLinks extends LeafComponent {
static watchedProps = ['links'];

constructor() {

render() {
return (
{this.props.links?.map((link) => (
<a href={link.url}>{link.text}</a>

Always remember that watchedProps is declared as a static property of your class!

Static properties, unlike normal class properties, are accessible before instantiating the class object. This is required to extend the observedAttributes prop in the Web Components standard.

When using MyLink component, do the following:

class OtherComponent extends LeafComponent {
constructor() {

this.state = {
links: [
{ url: '', text: 'Leaf Docs' },
{ url: '', text: 'Leaf GitHub' },
render() {
return (
{/* ... */}
<MyLink links={this.state.links} />
{/* ... */}

This will render the links and change when this.state.links change.

Syncing properties to attributes

If you open up the developer tools in your browser and inspect the elements, you may find that the links attribute doesn't exist on <MyLink /> element! This is because this.state.links is an object and Leaf only syncs strings, numbers and booleans to the attributes. Other properties will only be accessible through this.props in your component.

But if a prop is a string, it will also appear in the attributes. When the attribute change, it will react the same as if the property changes, causing a component to rerender.